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On all our pages except the frontpage. Only $0.5/month!
Quality Service Directory | Title: | Quality Service Directory | URL: | | Description: | All sites and businesses are subject to review upon submission, and if necessary a staff member may remove or deny any link submitted or currently in our directory. (Refund will be issued) If a link is required to be removed in 48 hours or less there will be a $10 charge to the owner of the listing Please do not submit any listings that contain malware, spam, or any other harmful content you will be automatically denied. Our directory accepts multiple regions; however, all links are to be submitted in English regardless of region. One submission per website Please select a proper category and subcategory for your business Do not stuff keywords in your submissions Please use proper punctuation, no excessive capital letters, no extra characters. Sites lacking content, or strictly Adsense or affiliate based sites are not accepted Redirect URLs are not accepted |